J first attended a PEEP play and talk at Valence library where mum shared, she has seen the health visitor and was under Speech and Language Therapy. They had been receiving SALT videos which she was completing at home, and they had been recommended to attend play sessions.
I completed an assessment with J which showed J was behind in expressive language and play.
When J first attended the sessions, he cried a lot, would not give eye contact to us or engage in activities, he rolled around on the floor a lot and made single vowel noises. He would not sit for story or singing time.
Mum was concerned that J was not saying many words and not yet using sentences.
Support Program:
Already under SALT
Invited to Targeted PEEP sessions.
Encouraged to keep attending PEEP play and talk drop-in sessions
After attending 6 weeks of targeted PEEP sessions as well as some Play and talk drop-in sessions. J was engaging in activities during play time but still staying with mum.
He was no longer getting upset so frequently and giving better eye contact. He would sit for a story on my lap and allow me to do hand over hand for actions during singing time.
At the end of the 6 weeks, I updated his assessment which showed he had improved in his Play and social communication, Attention and listening, and expressive language, learning a few new words.