A, from the Horn of Africa, lives in the UK with her 3-year-old child, S. Her older child lives abroad. English is her second language.

A faced challenges with managing S’s behaviour and suspected additional needs but lacked knowledge about Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). A kept her concerns to herself and felt stress, leading to isolation and depression.

Public judgement and unkind remarks from friends about S’s behaviour and F’s parenting led A to avoid social interactions and feel ostracised.

Attending the Dagenham Library launch and joining the Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities (SFSC) programme provided her with support and confidence. Enrolled S in nursery and accessed additional support services.

A opened up to friends, family and S’s father about her concerns. She now regularly takes S out on outings and manages her emotions better. A has embraced S’s unique temperament and enjoys special activities together and has also gained a better understanding of child development and behaviour.

A adopted a healthier lifestyle and became a positive role model for S. She feels more confident and assertive in seeking help.

A Is receiving support to bring her older daughter to the UK, giving her hope for reuniting her family and creating a stable environment for her family. A now feels free and more empowered in her role as a mother.

If you are interested or know of anyone who would be interested in joining this course – please use the link below:

LB Barking and Dagenham SFSC referral form (google.com)