Domestic abuse can happen to anyone – men as well as women. It can happen in any relationship, with family, with ex-partners. Anyone can be an abuser, young or old, male or female, people we love and people we don’t know well. In an emergency, always call 999!
Domestic abuse can include
causing physical harm and arousing fear
preventing someone from doing what they want to
forcing someone to do things they don’t want to
sexual violence
emotional abuse, threats and intimidation
control someone’s money
forced marriage
honour-based abuse and female genital mutilation
Refuge provides free support to victims of domestic abuse in Barking and Dagenham, men as well as women.
They support people in crisis and offer expert advice and guidance to help you stay safe and support you to recover and rebuild your life.
Contact them Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm on telephone 0300 456 0174 or email Outside of these hours you can call Refuge for free on their 23-hour helpline 0808 2000 247.
If You Are a Domestic Abuser
If you think you may be abusing someone, or you’re worried about your behaviour, there is help to change. Email and we will work with you to find the right support.
Other domestic abuse and violence support options
Barking and Dagenham Council
The Barking and Dagenham Domestic Abuse pages tell you about a range of services that can support people suffering, or who have suffered, domestic abuse or violence.
Mind, the national mental health charity, has information for women, men, black, asian and minority ethnic (BAME) people, forced marriage and honour-based violence and LGBTQIA+ people.
Victim Support
Victim Support provides emotional and practical support for people affected by crime and trauma. Telephone 080 8168 9111.
Galop support LGBT+ people who have experiences abuse and violence.
Emotional abuse is not as obvious as physical abuse, but it can be just as harmful. If you think you are being emotionally abused, by a partner, another family member, or anyone else, there are organisations that can help.
Relate provide information that can help you decide what to do. They have a local centre that can help you. You can contact them by telephone 0170 844 1722 or email
You can contact them for free, at any time, from any phone by telephone 116 123.