Family mediation helps parents work together when families change. A mediator guides you to find solutions about children, money and homes. You make the choices, not a judge, and it’s faster than court.
What is family mediation?
Family mediation helps if your relationship has broken down and you need to sort out practical issues such as:
arrangements for children – where they are going to live and when you’ll see them
child maintenance payments
sharing finances – including house, savings, pension
dealing with any debts
Legal Aid for family mediation offers financial assistance to eligible individuals, enabling them to access mediation services for family disputes without incurring significant costs. Through this funding, individuals facing financial constraints can receive support to navigate and resolve their family issues effectively.
Legal Aid for family mediation is available to individuals who meet certain financial criteria set by the Legal Aid Agency. Eligibility takes into account factors such as specific benefits, income, assets, household expenses, and the merits of the case.
If you qualify for Legal Aid, you will receive your mediation at no cost. If you receive Legal Aid and your ex-partner does not, there is also partial funding available for them. You can talk to one of our team to see if you qualify.
Family Mediation Scheme
The family mediation voucher scheme is a time-limited scheme, designed to support parties who may be able to resolve their family law disputes outside of court.
The Family Mediation Council
The Family Mediation Council is the organisation that holds the register of trained and qualified family mediators.
Direct Mediation Services
Direct Mediation Services offers the expertise of our family mediators, who bring extensive experience to assist you with matters concerning mediation for children, pets, property, and finances.