Our Hubs BD

GPs - Your Local Doctor

General Practitioners (GPs) are local doctors in your area who are here to assist you with any problems you might have. Whether you need a check-up, have questions about your health, or are feeling unwell, GPs are trained to help.

Register with a local GP

All GP practices in Barking and Dagenham are taking patients.  You can register for free with a GP practice without any ID, NHS number, or proof of address.

When you do register, please give a mobile phone number, so you can get text messages to remind you of appointments.

It’s best if at least one parent of any young children is registered at the same practice.

There’s information about local health services in this How the NHS works leaflet (PDF, 580 KB)

GP out of hours services

If you live in Barking and Dagenham, Havering or Redbridge, you can book urgent GP appointments.

Open weekday evenings – 6:30pm to 10pm , weekends and bank holidays – 8am to 8pm

For the GP hubs booking hotline telephone 020 3770 1888, between 8am and 8pm.   You can also call NHS 111 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

GP services

NHS Choices can tell you all about GP services.  You can read about how to find a GP, register and book an appointment and handle your prescriptions.