Our Hubs BD

Community Reporting Hubs

Community Reporting Hubs allow you to get advice, report a crime and engage with the police and enforcement services.

Reporting Tension or a Crime

Information on how to report a crime, tension, anti social behaviour, hate crimes or fraud.

Safe Havens

Safe Havens are places in the borough that you can go to get help if you feel unsafe, threatened or scared.

Keeping Children Safe Online

As a parent or guardian, it is important to make sure that your child uses the internet safely. Here you will find information, advice and resources to help keep your child safe online.


Safeguarding is about protecting children and adults at risk of harm. If you’re worried about anyone’s safety, whether it’s your own child, someone else’s child or a vulnerable adult, please say something.

Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse can happen to anyone – men as well as women. It can happen in any relationship, with family, with ex-partners. Anyone can be an abuser.

Youth Offending Service

Advice and support for young people who have offended and are going through the court system or are at risk of offending.