As a volunteer you’ll become a part of our LBBD Volunteering Team, where you will have a chance to volunteer in our community hubs. Volunteering is important as it helps build connections, learn new skills and helps us improve the services we offer. You will play an important role through dedicating your time, knowledge and skills in some of our varied volunteering roles such as providing digital support, helping residents complete forms or planning activities.
Volunteering strengthens our community by promoting compassion, cooperation, and a shared commitment to building a better and more inclusive community for everyone.
How to sign up
Have a look at some of the roles available below and then click the link below and apply to be a London Borough of Barking and Dagenham volunteer.
Digital Champion
If you have an interest in technology and the internet this could be for you! So many people struggle to use the internet or devises. We are looking for volunteers to help support people to learn how to use technology and the internet.
Research Officer
Could you be apart of helping us improve what we offer? We care what people think, help us improve the services we provide by finding out residents views about community hubs. This role aims to gather residents opinions on our hubs through surveys.
Reading Beez
We encourage young people to read more. This role is to encourage young people between the ages of 5-11 to read a few pages and tell us more about the book their reading.